Wednesday, July 12, 2006

WSDC Greeks kindly let other children play for a change.

You can pull out the champagne now. Greece have conceded the Octo-final to Singapore and will now turn their attention to partying in Cardiff.

We still love the guys and gal and if you think you could have done better, then get practicing and make the team next year.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Greece make the Break @ 9th place!

Get that champagne chilled folks, Greece has made the Break and now everything is up for grabs. I apologise for not having the results for rounds 7 and 8, which I shall soon remedy, but we do have the Break, and my, is it full of surprises:
  1. Pakistan
  2. Ireland
  3. Scotland
  4. South Africa
  5. Wales
  6. New Zealand
  7. England
  8. Singapore
  9. Greece
  10. USA
  11. Canada
  12. Australia
  13. Peru
  14. Hong Kong
  15. Bangladesh
  16. South Korea

Teams will now pair off in a power-preserving pattern: 1-16, 2-15 etc. Greece, right below the fold of the Break, will be facing Singapore in the Octo-finals.

Now more than ever I hope you will all join me in wishing our boys and girl the best of luck.

I can taste the bubbles!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Greece at 4-2 Wins, 13-5 Ballots!

Inching ever closer to the WSDC break, Greece are now at 4-2 Wins and
13-5 Ballots, having lost to the powerful kiwis (but not without forcing them to concede a ballot, maybe prompting memories of the 2004 shocker) and beaten
Argentina in what seems to have been a close round.

In detail:

ROUND 5: This House supports the international trading of pollution rights
New Zealand v. Greece (2-1)

ROUND 6: This House would ban abortion except in cases where the mother's health is at risk
Greece v. Argentina (2-1)
[What horrible wording!]

With the present record, our boys and girl look set to make the break, barring two unlikely upsets from Hungary and Sri Lanka. Still, unlikely challengers often suprise the more established teams, and I'm sure no one is taking it easy over in Cardiff. Tomorrow's rounds I should have liked to watch, to be honest. This is precisely the kind of situation that prompts amazing performances.

At any rate, the schedule for tomorrow is as follows:

ROUND 7: This House believes that search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web
Greece v. Sri Lanka

ROUND 8: Impromptu motion to be announced
Hungary v. Greece

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Greece at 3-1 Wins, 10-2 Ballots

Greece continues its march towards the WSDC cup, with a 3-1 record and 10-2 ballots.
Following the strong showing on day one, our boys and girl suffered a minor hiccup against home country Wales, and continued to bash the United States.

We will be facing antipodean powerhouse New Zealand on the time-honoured issue of pollution quotas and then the Argentinians (and their notorious escort, Maggie Benvenuto of 2000 satyr-pilfering fame) in an impromptu round.

In detail:

ROUND 3: This House believes that captured terrorists should be treated as prisoners of war.
Greece v. Wales (1-2)

ROUND 4: This House would place a worldwide ban on tobacco advertising
USA v. Greece (0-3)

The rest of our team's schedule is as follows

ROUND 5: This House supports the international trading of pollution quotas
New Zealand v. Greece

ROUND 6: Impromptu motion to be announced
Greece v. Argentina

ROUND 7: This House believes that search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web
Greece v. Sri Lanka

ROUND 8: Impromptu motion to be announced
Hungary v. Greece

Go Greece, kick Kiwi ass (as for Maggie's ass, stay well away) and win the Cup!

WSDC Greeks at 6-0 Ballots!

Debating is still the only sport where we can score like that, I'm afraid.

I am pleased to announce that the Greek WSDC team, featuring our very own George Constaninidis and Mike Yioutsos, has by now plowed through Germany and Lithuania, winning 3-0 ballots in both rounds. Panagiotis, who was originally selected to the team as well, is probably too busy celebrating his own Oxford business to regret not being there. But yeah, we would have liked to see that.

In detail:

ROUND 1: This House would place a worldwide ban on the use of civil nuclear energy.
Germany v. Greece (0-3)

ROUND 2: This House believes that full-time students should take part in compulsory charity work.
Greece v. Lithuania (3-0)

36 teams, representing such unlikely places as Lesotho and Sri Lanka, are slugging it out at the WSCD, which is set to run in Cardiff, Wales until the 14th of July.

The rest of our kids' schedule is as follows:

ROUND 3: This House believes that captured terrorists should be treated as prisoners of war.
Greece v. Wales

ROUND 4: Impromptu motion to be announced
USA v. Greece

ROUND 5: This House supports the international trading of pollution quotas
New Zealand v. Greece

ROUND 6: Impromptu motion to be announced
Greece v. Argentina

ROUND 7: This House believes that search engines should boycott China until it allows its citizens unrestricted access to the Web
Greece v. Sri Lanka

ROUND 8: Impromptu motion to be announced
Hungary v. Greece

I hope you will join me in wishing the guys and gal the best of luck, and start preparing for when they bring the cup home.